Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Burn boy, burn

The bird proudly willing to burn,
So that he may live again,
Chooses the flames of fires
That burn the aged Phoenix
The nature stands still
Till a new young bird starts again,
and begins the legend of the Phoenix.

- Claudian (Roman author)

Legend has it that one day many many moons ago; the Sun looked down and saw a large bird with bright red and dazzling gold feathers. The Sun God blessed him, "Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever!"

Since then it has been the destiny of the legendary bird. It lives and a time comes when it loses all the energy to live anymore. It is then that this creature sets to self immolating itself. But the blessings of the Sun God don’t wane away. The Phoenix’s ashes accumulate energy for new life, as the bird rises from the ashes rejuvenated with natural energy.

Energy is an omnipresent entity which travels through space, time and medium. Lost energy is just a transfer of the same. Similarly gained energy too, is just the same.

A man, who runs out of steam, has just transferred all his energy to another subject. And there are ways to reimburse that energy, accumulating it from other forms which hold them in their dungeons. And even today many many moons after, the transfer keeps taking place.

They say partying hard is a practice for de-stressing. Some psychologists say that the after-burn of a party plays catalytic in releasing the stressful negative energy.

Negative energy is powerful and extremely destructive. This affirms that its release can be at times catastrophic. When such powerful energy is released it leaves the previous owner weak with fatigue. It accumulates into a raging powerful force, uncontrollable and destructive, hitting any obstacle on its way like a steam engine, on full go. But the functional result of this is that the previous owner is freed from the stressful energy that was raging inside him.

To release this sort of pent up energy a person needs to reach that saturation point where he can commit into the act of splitting with it. Sometimes it needs a catalyst to take you to that high energy point where the pressure cooker finally starts to whistle. Without that all that energy keeps boiling inside you for a long long time just below the saturation level, where it is capable of releasing itself.

About a catalyst which opens you up to releasing old and repulsive energy to make way for new vibrancy and ardor for more spunk.

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